Category Archives: Opinion

(Deutsch) Ansichten eines Informatikers – Das Pferd riecht tot

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(Deutsch) Das Alternativlos-Aquarium – Der Propagandakrieg gegen Feminismuskritiker

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(Deutsch) Das Alternativlos-Aquarium – Die feministische Krake

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(Deutsch) Kulturkampf ums Geschlecht – Die Transgender-Ideologie ist totalitär und frauenfeindlich

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Wokeism is finished and Germany is finished too

Why immigration hinders progress – an extremely enlightening, extraordinary event: Are Wokeness and left-wing politics in Germany based on a major error that has just been recognised?
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(Deutsch) Tom-Oliver Regenauer: Der sichtbare Dritte – oder: Schöne neue Welt der Desinformation

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150 Feminist Lies and Exaggerations

150 Feminist Lies and Exaggerations

150 Feminist Lies and Exaggerations

150 Feminist Lies and Exaggerations

compliments ChatGPT
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Scott Ritter: Why I no longer stand with Israel, and never will again

On 7 October 2023, Hamas launched an attack on Israeli territory. The Israeli army then launched a war of annihilation against the population of the Gaza Strip. In response, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on 21 November 2014.

On 14 October 2023, former US officer and weapons inspector Scott Ritter recalled that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had already sabotaged the peace process in the 1990s and was complicit in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.

Scott Ritter quotes an officer from the intelligence service of the Israeli air force, whom he met on his first visit to Israel in October 1994 and who subsequently became his most important dialogue partner. He deeply despised Benjamin Netanyahu and said about Netanyahu:

“He will be the destruction of Israel. He only knows hate.”

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The Illustrated Empathy Gap

This post is mainly a review of Louise Perry’s book. However, the last section also serves another purpose. I was not surprised to get some push-back on my last post, A Gentleman’s Strike. The last section, below, The Way Forward, is my amplification of what I was trying to get at, approached from the positive rather than the negative perspective. But now to The Case Against the Sexual Revolution

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(Deutsch) Warum Linke die Pest sind

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