Positive reactions

Andreas Kemper:

“The triad of FemokratieBlog, WGvdL and WikiMANNia is the most agile part of the men’s rights movement.”Jörg Rupp: Rechte Kerle – Buchkritik – Antwort von Andreas Kemper, 12. August 2011

Gerhard Wisnewski:

“It is well known that terms are needed to describe reality. Where no term, there no topic, there no problem. If you click your way through WikiMANNia, you will notice which explosive topics are missing in Wikipedia. How about ‘family destruction’: Wikipedia doesn’t have a topic, WikiMANNia has an exciting article with aspects that don’t get any attention in the media.” – Gerhard Wisnewski: Verheimlicht – vertuscht – vergessen: Was 2012 nicht in der Zeitung stand, Knaur TB (Januar 2013), ISBN 3-426-78467-X

Detlef Bräunig from Männermagazin:

“WikiMANNia ist sowas wie Wikipedia, nur für Männer.” – Youtube: Die Hausdurchsuchung durch die Kriminalpolizei – Das MännerTV, Folge 16 (8. Mai 2015) (Länge: ab 12:55 Min.)