The Marxist family destruction under Lenin and Stalin

Lenin and Stalin implemented the destruction of the family that Karl Marx had proclaimed.

Lenin and Stalin implemented the destruction of the family that Karl Marx had proclaimed.

In the year of his 200th birthday Karl Marx is washed clean of all guilt for the Marxist crimes against humanity by church and world representatives. Cardinal Reinhard Marx said that the founder of marxism was not responsible for the crimes of Lenin and Stalin. But the two Soviet leaders often only implemented what Karl Marx propagated and encouraged with his writings – e.g. on the subject of family destruction.


Stalinist propaganda poster from 1930

Stalinist propaganda poster from 1930


Women as threshing machine subcontractors in the collective farm; poster on “collectivisation” around 1930

Women as threshing machine subcontractors in the collective farm; poster on “collectivisation” around 1930